Unexplained Weight Changes

Unexplained Weight Changes

Most ups and downs in weight are normal. But when the cause isn't readily apparent, you should see a physician.

From time to time you may notice fluctuations in your body weight. When you think about it, you can usually find an explanation — maybe you've been exercising less or eating more. These types of ups and downs are normal.

What are the causes of Unexplained Weight Changes?

A pituitary disorder

A defective thyroid

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Cushing's Syndrome

If you have sudden weight gain or loss out of the blue — you can't pinpoint the cause — you should discuss it with you physician.

What are the complications of Unexplained Weight Changes?

A few of the comorbidities you may face with Unexplained Weight Changes are:

  • Left untreated, Unexplained Weight Changes may lead to mental health issues,Heart problems,weakness .Tell your doctor if your signs and symptoms aren't improving despite treatment for Unexplained Weight Changes.

Prevention of Unexplained Weight Changes.

Preventing and treating illnesses that can become the risk factor for Unexplained Weight Changes is the best way to curb out it's complications. Make sure to change a few of your lifestyle habits and do regular physical exercise (not intense one). Talk to your doctor and take the help of a dietician who can suggest a decent diet to avert Weight Changes. A diet is a healthy component of Weight loss/gain treatment in Ayurveda!